Lutterloh (Coupe d'Or) and Dot Pattern Systems

These are some of the different types of dot vector drafting systems which were invented during the 20th century. Lutterloh (which is still available and producing supplements) was developed in Germany in 1935. The system is the best-known and most recognizable of the different systems, and was released under the name La Coupe d'Or in several European countries including France and Spain. In the USA, the The American Way to True-Fit Patterns was released, with the same ruler system as Lutterloh. . Australian publisher, Australian Home and Fashion Journal released a copy of the system using inches rather than centimeters, so no pesky conversions for our Antipodean friends. Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

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